Is sharing on social platforms hard for you to do? Sharing is quite easy if you know how. Sharing information-that’s what it is all about – especially through pictures. From Instagram to Facebook it’s about letting family, friends and even clients/potential clients peek into your world. Check into most forms of social media and you will be treated to pictures, pictures and more pictures. They are everywhere- from a friend’s adorable twins to Justin Timberlake’s latest song- sharing photos and videos- dare I say “has gone viral”. Maybe because doing so is so darn easy. It takes seconds to download them into your computer, or even better, from your phone onto your favorite social media site and Viola- your masterpiece is out for all to enjoy. Wait, did I just say your favorite form of social media? Why limit yourself to just one when with a couple of steps you can share that same photo on several sites. This is fabulous – especially if you have a business or service you want to share with as many people as possible. Instagram makes it super easy to not only add an artistic flair to your photos by using it’s editing tools, sharing them on other social media platforms. The glitch comes when you want to share that same photo onto your business Facebook page. Instagram does a great job of sending your photo from your phone to your personal Facebook page, but how do you then transfer that same picture onto your business page? It’s super easy. All you do is go to your personal timeline and under the photo you want to share click on share, when the drop down menu shows , you choose your business account and just like that you have posted that same photo onto your business Facebook page. How easy is it to get photos of your product or service out to potential clients? One photo taken and enhanced with Instagram will speak a thousand words to potentially thousands of people when shared with numerous forms of social media with a few clicks of the send button. No wonder, Instagram is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of social media, or has it already arrived? Do you like sharing your pictures on social platforms?